Hourly Instrument Rates

InstrumentWeekday Hours (9a-5p)Weekend & Off HoursExternal Clients (Industry and other)
Technician Assistance
(Training, machine operation, sample submission)
$37.50Not Available$75.00
Hitachi Tabletop TM3030 Plus tabletop SEM$46.08$8.86$92.17
Philips PANalytical X-Pert XRD$41.68$10.04$83.37
Bruker D2 Phaser XRD$36.22$6.44$72.43
NETZSCH 3500 Sirius DSC$48.21$33.32$96.43
TA Instruments DHR 20 (Rheometer/ DMA)$46.40$9.17$92.79
Anton Paar MCR 302 Rheometer
*Available only M,T,W
$15.01Not Available$25.00
TA Instruments Discovery SDT 650 DSC/TGA$23.21$8.32$46.43
Instron 5969 Mechanical Tester$44.34$7.12$88.68
Anton Paar Ultrapyc 5000$44.04$6.82$88.08
Anter Corporation Workhorse IB Dilatometer$8.58$1.14$17.16
Micromeritics 3Flex surface area and pore analyzer$13.35$5.90$26.69
Beckman Coulter LS230 Particle Size Analyzer$42.54$5.32$85.08
Perkin Elmer Lambda 950 UV-Vis-NIR$44.99$7.77$89.99
Nicolet iS50 FT-IR
*Available only W,H
$10.07Not Available$20.14
Metallographic prep equipment (mounting press, polisher)$48.15$10.92$96.29

After-hours availability

After-hours rates are reduced rates applicable to any instrument or test running after closing time at 5:00 pm.

All users are authorized to use overnight access for instruments that have an autosampler (e.g. DSC, TGA) or that run long scans (e.g. XRD, 3Flex) as long as their scan is started at least 30 minutes before closing.

All other instruments (SEM, spectrophotometers, etc.) can only be reserved for overnight use by trained, on-campus individuals. Off-campus overnight use requires a University of Utah ID card, and can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.

More information can be found on our policies page.