Cressington 108Auto

- 120 mm diameter chamber
- Argon purge
- Gold target fitted as standard, but other precious metals (palladium and platinum) available upon request
Cressington 108Carbon/A

- Argon purge gas
- 120 mm diameter sample chamber
- Carbon rod sputtering
If you already have an account with us, you can contact us to come in for the sputtering system. This item is not a scheduled service and a line item form is available for use. Runs are scheduled on 1-minute intervals, rounding up to the next whole minute. (For example, if a run takes 30 seconds, it is billed the same length as a 60-second run.) A QR code is available in the MCL to this form.
If you don't have an account with us yet, please review How It Works for information on setting up an account prior to your first arrival.