MCE 1325
- 175 to 3300 nm wavelength range
- Tungsten-halogen and Deuterium lamps
- Interchangeable snap-in modules for varied sample types
- 2D detector
- PMT and PbS Detectors
- Full-range wavelength coverage
- Universal Reflectance Accessory (URA)
- Angles 8-65° with a 0.5° step size
- Horizontal mounting
- 185-3100 nm wavelength range
- Spot size up to 5x5 mm
- 150 mm Integrating sphere
- Spectralon coating is highly reflective
- 200 to 2500 nm wavelength range
- Sample size up to 150mm2
- 2D detector
- Glancing reflectance of glass and other optical components
- Quantification of colored materials
- Identification of material concentration using the Beer-Lambert law
- Find the time-of-reaction for certain chemical changes
- Determine the band-gap of certain semi-conductors
Required Training
Lambda 950 video training: https://youtu.be/j9kA9Qyjyoc
Additional Resources
If you already have an account with us, you can find the machine on Cores under Materials Characterization - Meldrum.
If you don't have an account with us yet, please review How It Works for information on getting started.